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Welcome to M1R1 MySupport

Providing professional support to M1R1 customers

M1R1’s goal is to deliver on the promise of your technology investment to empower you with world-class Maintenance and Rental software and customer support needed to manage your operations and achieve your enterprise goals.

In order to streamline support requests and better serve you, we utilize a support ticket system. Every support request is assigned a unique ticket number which you can use to track the progress and responses online. For your reference we provide complete archives and history of all your support requests. 

A valid email address and SLA is required to submit a ticket.

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Please provide as much detail as possible so we can best assist you. To update a previously submitted ticket, please login.

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We provide archives and history of all your current and past support requests complete with responses.

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Be sure to browse our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) before opening a ticket

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